Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 9: Dating Detox

Today begins an entirely new journey for me. Though I have been working out, my best friend came to me and told me that she found a contest on It's a 12 week program, where you workout, leanout and post progress pictures along the way. Every week they give away cash prizes, and after the 12 weeks, if you win for the best transformation, you win a 7 day trip to Sandals in Jamaica. I will be going there next May to attend the same friend's wedding, and it would be so cool if I could either use that as my trip or get to go again. Who doesn't want to sit on the most beautiful beach in the world in there brand new bikini body?! I'm pumped.

The contest allows you to follow whatever diet/exercise program, so Shannon and I will do the plan I'm currently on, Jamie Eason's plan from And as an added bonus, because all of the foods on my plan are clean, I'm going to see if I can also incorporate the "Blood Type Diet" and work extremely hard to lose as much weight as I possibly can. I so want to win this trip!

So, I'm still plunging away at dating myself, and now I'm about to get in the best shape of my life. Shannon is really competitive, so now that I have a challenge, I'm going to kick some ass!

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