Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 6: Dating Detox

So, here's the assignment: Take the 25 qualities that are important to you in each category and pick the 10 traits that are the most crucial. Ugh! This was REALLY hard for me to do, most of them seemed to be deal breakers, but I think I did my best in making my list. In no particular order....

1. Tall/Dark/Dark Hair/Handsome/Big Upper Body
2. Adventurous
3. Loving
4. Smart/Computer Genius/Wants to Learn New Things
5. Social/Life of the Party/Extrovert
6. Funny/Humorous/Makes Me Laugh
7. Financially Blessed
8. Spends Money Wisely
9. Spoils His Mate/Himself
10. Looks for New Ways to Make Money

Now, apparently, you're supposed to narrow them down to the top 5 non-negotiables. Really? Lol. It was tough enough to get down to 10....they are in order this time....

1. Loving
2. Social/Life of the Party/Extrovert
3. Funny/Humorous/Mkes Me Laugh
4. Financially Blessed
5. Spoils His Mate/Himself

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