Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 8: Dating Detox

Well, I have officially made it a week. I'm still reading the book, and it is very interesting. Patti makes valid points, and the phases of the plan make complete sense. I've been doing lots of stuff alone, which is not really a rarity for me, and for whatever reason, I have been getting hit on more than usual. Is it because I don't care about being hit on right now? It's almost like when you finally get into a committed relationship, and men flock from everywhere just to get next to you. Maybe in both situations, there is a contentness, confidence and aura that is being transmitted causing the man meter to rise. Lol

Anyway, here's a list of Patti's dating commandments.

1.  Thou Shalt Return Calls Promptly
2.  Thou Shalt Honor Thy Dating Commitments
3.  Thou Shalt Let The Man Take The Lead
4.  In the Beginning, Thou Shalt Leave the Past in the Past
5.  Thou Shalt Be Engaging
6.  Thou Shalt Not Drink Too Much On A Date
7.  Thou Shalt Not Be A Gold Digger
8.  Thou Shalt Act Like A Lady
9.  Thou Shalt Express Sincere Interest and Appreciation
10. Thou Shalt Not Become Intimate on the First Date
11. Thou Shalt Not Wear Too Much Bling

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