Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 3: Dating Detox

The next exercise that I worked on is dealing with your values, what's important to you and what do you need in a person.  The five categories are: spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual and financial.  This is what's important to me.

Spiritual: spiritual not religious, knows the law of attraction and the power of the universe, open to exploring spirituality through meditation, positive energy and spirit about him

Physical: tall, dark, handsome, dark hair, big broad (fit but not necessarily huge muscles) chest, dresses well, wants to workout and have a healthy lifestyle

Emotional: loving, attentive, someone who wants to spend time together, make love all of the time, matches me sexually; loves and gets along well with his family, has no kids or older ones

Intellectual: smart, funny, life of the party, wants to continuously learn new things, gramatically correct, musically inclined, wants to have in depth conversations

Financial: financially blessed, has a home of his own, spends money wisely, budget conscious but likes to have fun, looking for new ventures and investments

Everything is going according to plan. I feel like I've made a good decision, and the book is such a great read that I can't put it down! I look forward to more days to come!!!

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