Friday, September 23, 2011

60 Day Dating Detox

So, I started reading Patti Stanger's Become Your Own Matchmaker today, and I'm committing to Patti's plan. I have been in a relationship for two and a half years, which means I have to be on Dating Detox for 60 days. I have to admit I was slightly stunned by this since he and I broke up a few months ago, but considering I was going to secretively run away with the guy and get married just to stay together, I kind of find it refreshing to "date myself for 60 days!"

I have to admit, in this day and age, going without physical connection from another person might just kill me, but Patti knows her stuff, so I'm going to commit to this whether I like it or not.  I know I have to let the past go and discover exactly what I want so I can recognize it when it walks into my life. So, here we go Patti!

Day 1: Because I'm such an incredible student, I probably read too much too soon. I know this is not necessarily in my best interest, but I have to know what the road map looks like.  And, if I'm not allowed to date, or fulfill any of my sexual desires by another party, I have to consider why I'm giving it up. I've seen enough episodes to know there is no sex before an exclusive relationship, and since I'm dating myself, I'm kind of screwed in that department for many months. But since she's the relationship guru, I'm willing to do what it takes to meet my soul mate.

So, I vow to bring you guys along this journey of mine for 60 days. Patti is right, the second you exude happiness and declare no sex, it brings itself to you.  It's like a drug addict wanting to be sober, but the dealer always finds his way to you. Tonight in hanging with two of my best friends, one guy and one girl, my guy BFF tells me he's going skinny dipping after dinner. I so wanted to go and even said, "I'm in!" when my girl BFF said, "Aimee, this is not a good idea!" And, she was right. I've committed to being by myself for at least 60 days, and until I have found my soul mate and we are exclusive, I will not be having any sexual activity of any kind.

So dear friends and followers, I am looking forward to some encouragement. I've never been a person to deny myself of anything. And, though I'm sort of scared of this challenge, I will somehow make it work. Patti knows her shit! I will check in daily because this is the only way I can account for any feelings/desires/wishes I may encounter on this journey. I hope everyone is supportive, and I apprecate any help in becoming a strong, non-sexual, woman in the next, which feels like forever, several months.


Cheers to ME and my sweet self for 60 days!

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