Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sometimes in life....

people in life tell you things you don't want to hear but need to hear. I was told tonight that I'm a beautiful woman, and I'm so loved by many. But a lot of times I'm loud and curse like a sailor. Though it's more acceptable for men to do it, women should refrain from being assholes and learn to be ladies. I always find this offensive, as I am, what I consider to be very lady-like.

But this one person, that I love so much and respect completely made a very valid point. Though I am a very outspoken and an extroverted person, I can choose my words wisely and still get my point across. Do I really think I need harsh man-words to prove a point? And, who do I think I'm impressing anyway? It's not like I'm still in college and don't know any better, I'm 33 and proud of the woman I've become. There really is no use for my absurd loudness or harsh words. I can be even more beautiful on the outside as well as the inside with more cautious words. And do I really need 4 letter words for emphasis? Doubtful.

What do you think? Do women get judged for profanity? Should women be able to get away with it? After all, I'm still a traditional girl that likes doors being opened for her and a man that plays the manly part!

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