Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 12: Dating Detox

So, I have had some rough days this weekend. I'm not in the greatest of places, and I find myself wondering how it is that I'm going to get out of my funk. The one really great goal I have right now, besides the obvious, is my 90 eating/workout plan. My BFF is motivating me to just work though today and give it all I've got. I still feel like nothing is in order: mentally, physically or emotionally. So, it looks like my projects for today will be working on my physical body through proper nutrition (I didn't eat anything pretty much over the weekend due to depression), physical exercise and cleaning out a portion of the house. That ought to make a girl feel better, right?! One can hope. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my wonderfully cheery self. Guess we will have to see.

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