Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 13: Dating Detox

After a long, great conversation with someone I love so much, he knows who he is, we have formulated a plan for me to take baby steps in the right direction. One of the biggest problems I face, in being a social butterfly, is that my first thoughts in the afternoon are not going straight home from work. I work with some great people, but in order to just focus, I have headphones on all day listening to either recorded tv or music. Consequently, when I leave work, I know I have things to do at home, but I put them off for some interaction with, who I thought for a while were, my "real" friends. Sadly, in the past weekend I had a hard lesson to learn, and I now know who truly stands behind me. So, as my great friend pointed out, I need to spend time working on my physical body by being active, go home in the evenings to take care of business, and if I need to later on in the evening, go out to see friends. Plus, on the weekends, I need to continue to sorround myself with the people that love me the most, my family. I feel good about this. I feel good about taking back my life, stop feeling sorry for myself, and learning to be a responsible homeowner again. Time to get my hands dirty and accomplish some positive things in my life!

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