Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 14: Dating Detox

I had a successful yesterday afternoon, and I actually found some of the old Aimee in doing it. It's hard to keep it all together after a breakup. I felt and still feel extremely lonesome. I have had problems taking charge of my life and doing the things grown up people have to do. Because of this, I have had consequences and ramifications that I am still having to deal with. So, to actually accomplish my goals yesterday, I instilled some confidence back into my life. I had a tough workout. I went home after work and did chores, had some food, took care of the animals, did several loads of laundry, and even got myself ready to go to meet my gorgeous man-friend to play some golden tee. I don't think Patti would have a problem with our flirtatiousness, but we did flirt most of the night. Who could have helped it?! But when we walked each other to our cars, our chemistry took over. Yes, we kissed, alright! I'm not even sure who started it, though he would say I did. And, we kissed so passionately that it so could have landed us in the bedroom. But, we went home like good little children. I have to say that it felt so good that I don't know how we stopped.

And then there was the rest of my night. When I get home I realize that the stupid ex-boyfriend has been blowing my phone up. I was supposed to send him a package with his mail, and he's threatening me that the IRS is going to come after me for not giving him the mail. I exploded. I text him that the IRS was not going to come back on me after he owes them from 2006, well before we started dating, and if he was so concerned that he should have just contacted them for the information he needs. That was so not my fault. He has been constantly contacting me non-stop all night and all morning, and I have continued to avoid him. Oh yeah wait, and he wants to come to see me. Idiot. I told him that I do not want to see him, and that I have mailed him his mail, and that I'm done. If I'm forced, I will block his number. So far, so good. UGH! Two steps forward, two steps back....isn't that what Paula Abdul taught us back in the early 90s?

And on another positive, sometimes blogging can be as beneficial as talking to a counselor! It feels really good sometimes to just get things off of your chest.

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