Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 15: Dating Detox

Yesterday was actually a much better day then days I have had in a long time. I guess it was the talking to and playing of the golden tee that made me start the day with such good spirits. I got unresolved issues at work solved, and I even volunteered to do the safety minute in our meeting this morning. The moral to the safety minute, "Do not use electric trimmers to trim your eyebrows, as you might cut off several eyelashes, as I did, or hurt your eye!" Ok, it was more than several eyelashes, but moving on. I finally went to the doctor to talk about all of the issues surrounding my life at the moment, and I got some much needed prescriptions filled. I had a wonderful afternoon sitting outside in the glorious weather and had great conversation. I met a man named Joe, who shared some of his life story and talked about being in love for 30 years. All-in-all, I would say it was a lovely day. The only issue I had was waiting for over an hour to get my prescription only to find out that my doctor had to talk to my insurance company to get the drug approved for coverage. Oh well, I will make the best out of my day today! What's to come? Jersey Shore baby! 'Party's here!'

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