Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beware the 6 Types of Lousy Lovers

1. The Leg Humper. In high school, I remember dry-humping being the pinnacle of awesomeness. Nights on the couch "watching a movie" ruled. However, once actual penetration was achieved, dry-humping went by the wayside. For good reason. Dry-humping is NOT better than actual sex. Ever.

2. The Minute-Man. Okay, so don't go all up in arms at me about this one. It happens. It's flattering ... until it's not. If every time we get naked, it takes me more time to remove my bra than to complete sex, something's got to give.

3. The Jack Rabbit. I've (unfortunately) seen rabbits have sex. The look on the female rabbit's face is always a mixture of shame and embarrassment, like, "How did I GET myself into this situation?" Which neatly sums up what it's like to have sex with a Jack Rabbit.

4. The Pushy Lover. It really DOES suck when you're all ready to get down and dirty and your partner decides that they're not in the mood. Been there. However, begging, pleading, and downright groveling for sex is not only not hot, it's embarrassing. For both of us.

5. The Lazy Boy. Now, I don't always need hours of foreplay to get in the mood, but if you just want to be in and out every single time, well, you can be in and out somewhere else.

6. The Selfish One. There's nothing I like post-sexin' than to roll over and take a nap. However, if I haven't actually climaxed and you roll over and go to sleep without a word? It's time to roll right on over and out of my bed.

So, even though I, Aimee, did not come up with the start of this list. I can actually think of a couple more:

7. The Oral Only Guy. This is the guy that is constantly pulling your head to his, um...yeah, manparts, and is never willing to return the favor. The only reason why this guy ever has sex with you is because you get tired of constantly going down on him and decide that you'd rather do nothing then finish him off.

8. The Guy Who Lasts Forever. I know, I'm going to get some mean comments on this one, but let me explain. This is the guy that is either doing everything to make you achieve an orgasm or the guy who has had a penile injury and is desensitized forever. Either way, you're probably going to eventually ask him to hurry up. Too much of something good can be a bad thing!

9. The Get-On-Top Guy. I'm down with keeping things fresh and interesting, but there are hundreds of positions out there people! This is the guy who immediately after foreplay grabs you and throws you on top. He's pretty much never, ever, wanting to do any of the work!

10. The Germ-a-phobe. After every hot and steamy love session, with this usually excellent lover, instead of relishing in the sweat and exhaustion, he heads straight to the bathroom to either take a shower or get a towel. To any chick, this is pretty much the equivalent to rolling over and falling asleep. Sure you don't need to hold us or chit chat afterwards, but guys, you need to lay there for a few minutes before going to clean up!

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