Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To All Motorcyclists:

As a driver in a car, I always make sure to be very safe near motorcyclists.  You guys make me, and most people on the road, very nervous because you are just you on a bike and not in a rolling box like the rest of us.  But when I see you weaving between cars, one lane to another, I find myself wanting to say a prayer.  And then I have to stop and think....if you don't have enough respect for yourself, why am I the one that is worried about your life?  Be respectful of us as we do for you!!! 

To the guy on the motorcycle that was weaving in traffic this morning at 6:30am, you should have left the house earlier if you wanted to drive at top speed.  The rest of us want to enjoy our last few minutes before work with our morning coffee!

Thank you,

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