Friday, July 22, 2011

Do women need their own brand of beer?

Ahhh, beer!  While it welcomes all who’d care to bask in its golden glow, beer is still widely perceived to be the beverage of choice for men, be they sweaty, knuckle-dragging cro-magnons, pompous hops-huffing hobbyists or pop-collared frat brothers. Whether that belief is actually founded or not is questionable. I, for one, know plenty of ladies who fancy a pint. But Molson Coors is aiming at attracting more females to the keg party by launching a new line of brews tailored specifically to women.

According to the UK's Marketing Magazine, Molson Coors’ Animee will be a “less gassy and lighter tasting” alternative to conventional beers. After two-and-a-half years of researching “women’s relationship with beer,” the American brewery will be releasing Animee – which will come in three versions (standard, rose and citrus) – in the UK later this summer.

What say you, ladies? Would you be more inclined to drink a beer that appealed to your feminine sensibilities? Or is the notion that a beer has to be girlified before a woman will consider it insulting?

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