Tuesday, July 19, 2011

5 Ways to Create Your Own Weight Loss Success Story

1.)    Set small, quantifiable goals: Focus on checkpoints instead of getting to the finish line. Small and quantifiable goals will keep you from becoming discouraged.

2.)    Focus on gratitude: Live each day with gratitude for your health.

3.)    Stick with it… even through plateaus: Make smart choices daily. Your long-term success plan involves the acknowledgement that you will reach a plateau; you just have to push through it.

4.)    Make sure others are watching: Make sure your friends, family and coworkers are aware of your weight loss goals.  Sharing your goals with others creates accountability and is a key to success.

5.)    Celebrate small successes: The secret to achieving big picture goals is counting the little successes and checking your food choices against the desired outcome.  Your small successes will fuel you for MORE success!    

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/blog/blog/5-success-story-insights/#ixzz1SZSsnouj

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