Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can Growing Up in a 'Broken Home' Ruin You For the Game of Love?

Being raised in a single home may affect the way you feel about love. 

A friend of mine once said, “The hardest woman to love is one without a father, because she is expecting the man to leave”. I grew up in a fatherless home surrounded by women who love and support me. I noticed the friends who were raised in a two-parent household shared different views about love and relationships. As a single woman who was raised in a single parent home, I’m more carefree and independent, which leads me to think differently about dating or a relationship. However, a few of my friends who were raised in a two-parent household are more dependent, and have more patience when it comes to sustaining a relationship.

Most young girls first love is her father, and is ideally the man she would compare her own husband, too. Without a father around who will she use as a model for her own future husband? This is where the “carefree” cycle begins, and unfortunately becomes harder to end, as the girl gets older. Although love is important, independence is more appealing.

How can one model their life for true love without a home example? I’ve learned that it takes more patience and more effort than what I’ve been putting into my relationships. In the past, I'dl expect the worst, but hope for the best. I thought this was a good approach, but in reality doing the same things over expecting a different result is insanity.

Unfortunately, the missing void in your heart from a single home can never be replaced, but doesn’t have to model your own life. Instead of reflecting back to what’s happened in the past, try and focus on starting a new beginning for yourself. End the cycle and open your heart for the pursuit of happiness and love will shortly follow.

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