Wednesday, July 20, 2011

10 Childish Things It's Still OK to Like

1. Young Adult Fiction: So what if Edward Cullen makes you swoon? Twilight, The Hunger Games and Harry Potter are all marked Young Adult, but that doesn’t mean you can’t curl up with your favorite indulgence. These stories can be creative, breathtaking and suspenseful. Plus, they’re all current or soon-to-be blockbuster movies full of hot stars. You have to keep up on pop culture!

2. Pop music: Frivolous pop music transports us back to a time with NKOTB, ‘NSYNC and Backstreet Boys ruled the airways.You liked pop then, and guess what? You like pop now. Might as well embrace it and admit that you know all of the words to the latest Justin Bieber track (and you might also happen to know who he’s dating, the name of his manager, when he last got his haircut. . .).

3. Bows in your hair: If there’s anything Kate Middleton has taught us, it’s that dressing up your hair is a must. Headbands, bows and barrettes never go out of style. It’s a great way to make your look extra girly, and therefore, extra cute.

4. Macaroni and cheese: As you grow up, your taste buds mature. But sometimes nothing hits the spot like a bowl of mac 'n cheese. It’s easy-to-make, cheap and requires little clean up. While it’s not something you should have everyday, it’s a good option for a girl in a time crunch on a limited budget!

5. Swinging: Playing on the swings at the park is a fond memory for a lot of people. Why not move that into adulthood? Find a set of swings and head there with girlfriends or your guy. You’ll be sure to find yourself giggling and panting—swinging can be a great core workout!

6. The Disney Channel: We owe those mouse ears a big thank you for introducing us to Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Ryan Gosling and Zac Efron. The frivolous, goodtime programming found on Disney is always wholesome and reminds us of a simpler time.

7. Capri Sun: Designed mostly for kids on the go, this handy, delicious juice drink always hits the spot. Plus, the small portion guarantees you won’t get your daily sugar via juice. If you can stop at one juice pack, that is.

8. Cartoons: Need to zone out on a Saturday morning? Check out cartoons. Easy-to-follow storylines are appreciated on lazy weekend mornings. And on that note, notice how a lot of movies are based on comics. Also OK to like.

9. Being spoiled by parents: Yeah, you don’t want mom and dad paying all of your bills, but if they want to spoil you every now and then with a great dinner, what’s to stop them? Having your mom come over with soup when you don’t feel well or having your dad fix your broken car are guaranteed to make you feel loved. Double points if it’s your grandparents.

10. Shirley Temples: Out with the girls and want a frou frou drink sans the hangover? Order a Shirley Temple. And order it proudly. This simple mix of lemon-lime soda and cherry grenadine is super yummy. And as you eat the cherry, people will be jealous.

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