Friday, October 15, 2010

Fact and Thought of the Day!

Man gets $650,000 for lap dance injury?
A South Florida man may have a few more dollars to toss around at strippers after he won $650,000 in a settlement for injuries he suffered during a lap dance. In 2008, Michael Ireland was poked in the eye by a stripper's spiked high heel when he got a little too close during a performance at the Cheetah Club near West Palm Beach. The shoe of a stripper named "Suki" punctured his eye socket and broke bones around his eye and nose and the man has permanent double vision, his attorneys claimed. The strip club decided to settle out of court Thursday instead of going through with the lawsuit and possibly paying more in damages.

Thought of the Day!
I often wondered if it was true if they wore underwear under an Irish kilt! So, I tried one on and it's true, we don't!!!

Yours truly,
Word of the Day!
Mnemonic - assisting or intended to assist the memory

Example: Mnemonics are used as a memory aid to help learn lists or sequence of important facts.
Red - Richard
Orange - Of
Yellow - York
Green - Gave
Blue - Battle
Indigo - In
Violet - Vain

Try to use the word of the day several times today; you will impress not only yourselves but also those around you!

The Irish Poet
~From the mind of an Irish Poet

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