Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Today is the best day of our lives!

So, today is one of those mornings that we hope will never come.  I got terrible news that a friend of mine, a coworker, has passed away.  He was overweight and had liver problems, which caused him to lose his life far too quickly.  We all seem to think that we have so much time on this earth left, but all we really have is today or actually right now, this moment.  Today is the best day of our lives!  Today is really the only day that is promised to us!

Before I heard of my friend passing, I did one thing that I normally do, before even getting ready for work; I weighed myself.  I have been playing games with myself and the scale for a while now, and never hoped I would EVER see this number.  So, as I relish in my last plate of terribly fattening food (our office catered lunch for us today), I contemplate how silly I am for even indulging in the first place.  Sure, I'm a tall girl and hide the weight well; as a matter of fact, I look pretty darned great for what I weigh; I ride so many miles on my bike each weekend.....I wonder how long I would have continually given myself excuses, while the weight gets further out of control. 

So, in honor of myself, in honor of my friend, in honor of the only day I have promised to me, I am going to put all of this nonsense to rest.  It is embarrassing publishing this on a blog, even with no actual subscribers yet (haha), but if I don't make myself aware and put it out there for others to read, then maybe I will just continue living in my hopeful little head that I still have "the rest of my life" to finally get skinny, or more importantly, healthy.

I will not post my daily "food journal" and bore even myself with those contents, though I will keep one.  But I will post all of my proud exercise accomplishments, at least until I form a daily habit to get in the gym, which is only just a few steps away from my office.  Sigh.  So here's to finally getting it together and to my last diet coke.....

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