Friday, October 8, 2010

Fact and Thought of the Day!

Will Holding It Cause Your Bladder To Burst?Maybe you want to avoid using the portable toilet at a rock concert. Or you’d like to get some miles behind you rather than visit the rest stop on your cross-country trip. Or maybe you just don’t want to get out of bed when duty calls in the middle of the night. We’ve all "held it" before, for whatever reason, but does holding off on urinating do any damage to our bodies? And what about the notion that your bladder can actually explode if you hold it too long—is there any truth to that?

Though it’s something most people don’t think about often, how the bladder works is pretty remarkable. Before a child is potty trained, a simple reflex controls the timing of urination. A layer of smooth muscle lines the bladder, and as the bladder fills with urine, the muscle stretches. The stretch signals the spinal cord to tell the bladder muscles to contract and the urethra (the tube that brings urine out of the body) and pelvic muscles to relax. These changes allow urine to exit a baby’s body. Babies can’t control the process—which, of course, is why they wear diapers. As a baby grows, the bladder enlarges and can hold more urine. The child also learns to sense when the bladder is filling, and to control the muscles of the bladder, urethra, and pelvis. Eventually, the child can reliably decide when and where to "go."

So what about those of us who take our potty training to the next level, and try to hold it long after our bladders tell us it's time to empty them? The worst that’s likely to happen is that you’ll become increasingly uncomfortable until you finally give up and empty your bladder. The idea that your bladder can burst by waiting too long to urinate is largely myth.

For more information:

Thought of the Day!Beautiful days are among us; get out and enjoy the great outdoors!
Yours truly,
The Irish Poet

Word of the Day! Timorous - full of fear; fearful

  Example: The noise made them timorous.

Try to use the word of the day several times today; you will impress not only yourselves but also those around you!
~From the mind of an Irish Poet

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