Monday, October 11, 2010

Friday Bike Ride Around the Lakes

Working until noon on Friday really has it's perks and advantages. We packed our bikes on the truck and headed to the LSU lakes. Our goal was to do a decent little ten mile ride. Our first stop, after about four miles of riding, was to hit our favorite coffee shop, Highland Coffee's.

Then we headed on our way. Next stop planned was Mike's habitat. We usually get pretty lucky and get to see him up and about, but today was extra special. Mike did all sorts of cool stuff for us. We got to see him really up close and personal.

We got to see him take a big poop. I know, I know, but it's a huge tiger, so everyone was watching. I won't post that picture here. Ha ha ha. Then we got to see him get in his wading pond. Awe, he's such a darling cat! I swear that I would snuggle up to him and pet him to sleep if it ws safe to do so.

And then we finished our mileage, 11.5 miles, and got back in the truck. And then we saw the most beautiful sunset. All of the egrets rousted in for the evening on their favorite trees. What a gorgeous sight!

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