Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fact and Thought of the Day!

How to zap your microwave into cleanliness:To get out all the splatters and spots that end up caking the interior, fill a microwave-safe bowl with a cup of water and a few splashes of vinegar, or wedges of lemon or lime (which of course have the added benefit of smelling terrific). Zap it on high heat for a couple minutes until the water starts to boil and the window gets steamy. Wait 15 minutes for the bowl and water to cool, and for all that steam to penetrate the stains, before opening the door. Follow up by wiping down the interior walls and rubber door gasket with a clean cloth or sponge (and if the window is still grimy, use a half water/half vinegar solution to get it shiny). That’s it—so easy, right? I just tried it and am deeply satisfied with the results, the fact that I didn’t need to use any chemicals, and the whole process in general, which kind of feels like a grade school science experiment.

For more information:

Thought of the Day!My thought today goes out to a man who passed away named Mike. I had the privelage not only to meet Mike but to play guitar with him also! His songs will fill his wings with the Irish angels, and he will smile down from Heaven forever knowing he has enlightened our hearts!

Yours truly,
The Irish Poet

Word of the Day! Coalesce - to grow together or into one body

  Example: The two lakes coalesced into one.

Try to use the word of the day several times today; you will impress not only yourselves but also those around you!

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