Friday, August 5, 2011

Upside-Down Yoga Isn't as Weird as It Looks

Hot yoga is so passe. Even floating yoga, or yoga on the water is, like, so last week! The latest craze is upside-down yoga, or AntiGravity Yoga. Sounds so Jetsons, right? Like you need to get in a space shuttle to do it, or go to one of those indoor skydiving spots. Child pose in midair?!

I know -- it's REALLY bizarre ... but I totally want to try it!!

You know those workouts that come along every couple of years that make it seem like you'll change your whole body and life with the help of some stupid accessory or fancy footwear ... but you're really just doing the same old cardio or weight-training or yoga? Yeah, I hate that kind of thing. But I don't see this being the same. Because Harrison explains that hanging upside-down balances out the body, enhances abdominal workouts, and opens up (decompresses) the spine. He even said his own mother, who suffered from back problems, has found success from doing the Cirque du Soleil-ish workout.

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