Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lose Weight Fast: How to Do It Safely

You've heard it time and again: fad diets don't work for permanent weight loss. But what about those times when you really need to lose some weight fast? It's hard to pass up the promise of crash diets like the Lemonade Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet, or Lose 21 Pounds in 21 Days when your mission is to squeeze into a new outfit in time for a reunion, wedding, or other special event.

So what's wrong with dropping 20 pounds fast so you can wow your friends and family with a svelte new shape?

The truth is that nothing is wrong with losing weight rapidly -- as long you do it the right way, says Michael Dansinger, MD. He's the medical doctor for NBC's The Biggest Loser show, which spotlights quick and dramatic weight loss.

"In theory, one could drop as much as 20 pounds in a week following a very ambitious eating and exercise plan, devoting more than seven hours per week to rigorous exercise, and under a physician's care like we do on the television program," he says.

But even if you can't drop everything to go to weight loss "boot camp," you can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD.

How to Lose Weight Fast

Losing weight is a simple mathematical formula: You need to burn more calories than you eat. Experts generally recommend creating a deficit of 500 calories per day through a combination of eating fewer calories and increasing physical activity. Over the course of a week, this should yield a loss of about 1-2 pounds of fat.

If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more. Bottom line: 1,050 to 1,200 calories and one hour of exercise a day (but be sure not to dip below this calorie level for safety's sake). On this type of plan, you can expect to lose 3-5 pounds the first week, or more if you weigh over 250 pounds.

"Dieters who follow the plan can lose 2 pounds from diet and 1 pound from exercise each week, and even more if they have more to lose, because the more fat you have to lose, the faster it comes off," says Dansinger.

You may lose even more weight initially if you limit salt and starches. "When you reduce sodium and cut starches, you reduce fluids and fluid retention, which can result in up to 5 pounds of fluid loss when you get started," explains Dansinger.

When it comes to weight loss, calories count the most, says Dansinger. He recommends cutting back to a daily level of 7 calories per pound of your current body weight (which for a 200-pound person, for example, would be 1,400 calories), but no less than 1,050 calories/day (the lowest level that can be done safely at home). Dietitians more typically recommend 1,200 calories as a daily minimum.

Dansinger advocates a diet that minimizes starches, (even healthy whole grains should be controlled), added sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, dieters should eat mainly fruits, veggies, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.

"Cardio burns the most calories, so it is ideal for fast weight loss, but afterwards you need to include a few hours a week of strength training," he says. To burn the most fat, try to break a sweat after your warm-up and keep sweating for the entire hour, says Dansinger.

Most everyone can do an hour a day, but the intensity of your workout will depend on your current state of fitness. Experts recommend gradually increasing exercise intensity to avoid injury.

When you can't do cardio, Tallmadge recommends doing strength training at least twice weekly, working all your major muscle groups, and fitting in at least 15,000 steps a day (get a pedometer to keep count).
Gidus suggests doubling up on your exercise routine: "Do a morning and evening workout for the fastest results."

Read more: http://www.webmd.com/diet/guide/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Truly, madly, deeply: How love makes you sick

Rae Padilla Francoeur, 63, of Rockport, Maine, has been in plenty of passionate relationships before but when she met her current mate, she fell head over heels. Who’d have thought it would take a terrible toll on her health?

Francoeur, the author of “Free Fall: A Late-in-Life Love Affair,” says “the physical manifestations were extreme.” During the lovesick phase she became lightheaded, lost weight, couldn’t sleep for days, had butterflies and a quickened heart rate and couldn’t concentrate or eat. “I was happier than ever emotionally, even though I couldn’t eat and felt shaky all the time,” says Francoeur who also ended up with a year’s prescription for a prophylactic antibiotic for chronic urinary tract infections, too.

Scientists have since learned that a chemical cocktail of neurotransmitters — phenethylamine, dopamine, norepinephrine and oxytocin — are at work when we fall for someone. This powerful love potion is secreted when we feel that initial attraction and serves as an amphetamine, elevating our mood, keeping senses on high alert, and helping us bond with another person.

Falling in love affects your brain about the same way as smoking crack,” says Ethlie Ann Vare, author of  “Love Addict: Sex, Romance, and Other Dangerous Drugs. “It has essentially the same effect on what’s called the reward center of the brain.”

Once smitten, these “love” chemicals surge and their health effects are set in motion. Some people, like Francoeur, are particularly hard-hit. Here’s a few of love’s side effects. They don’t call it lovesick for nothing.

Can’t sleep : Having a hard time sleeping is a direct result of too much dopamine and norepinephrine. “You’re on a speed high,” says Dr. Helen Fisher, author of “Why Him, Why Her?” and a leading love researcher at Rutgers University. “This is why you have so much energy, why your face is flushed, and why you can walk till dawn and make love around the clock.” Francoeur says the first time she and her beloved were together they didn’t sleep for three nights. She then put in ten hour days at work. “I literally burnt the candle at both ends for two years.”

Can’t eat: Francoeur describes having lunch with a friend while lovestruck saying “she’s ordering everything on the menu and I can’t even swallow.” Psychologist Dorothy Tennov coined the term “limerence” to explain this crazy phase of infatuation. Limerence is the obsessive, intrusive, and all-consuming state we’re in where we justify letting work, friends, responsibilities — even ourselves — slide so we can satisfy our unquenchable thirst for our new partner. Friends questioned Francoeur’s weight loss — about 15 pounds — but she was apathetic to do anything about it. Thankfully, studies show these intense feelings only last somewhere between six months to two years.

Can’t concentrate: You may think very clearly, but you can’t think about anything but him or her. It’s the dopamine that gives you that obsessive focus. Romantic love is an obsession. You can’t stop thinking about the person. But you’re thinking of every detail of them: what he said, how she moved, what he meant by that. You’re focused — just not on work or your to-do list. Not surprisingly, some of us actually chase lovesickness. “Probably about 6 to 10 percent of the population is born with poorly functioning dopamine receptors,” says Ware. To them, everything feels a little black and white blah until they are shot with cupid’s arrow and get that reward cascade cocktail of neurotransmitters pumping. Then they think, “Wowsa! Life is in color!” And they continue to chase that feeling. Problem is, nature didn’t expect for us to spend that long in the pursuit period. Nature expects us to settle down and procreate.

Chest pressure: When people feel chest pressure, it’s probably panic, says Fisher. When you first fall in love brain circuitry is linked with panic and anxiety. Fisher and her colleagues scanned over 75 people’s brains that were madly in love and found they showed activity in part of the insular cortex of the brain, which is linked with fear.

Some scientists go so far to liken limerence to mental illness. People in a manic state, for example, show an abnormally heightened mood, self esteem, and sense of anxiety and tend to do out-of-the-norm things, like make rash decisions.

Nausea and butterflies: Most of us have had a queasy or nervous feeling in our stomachs just before something important is about to take place. Falling in love is equally important. Nature sure thinks so. Fisher explains the queasy stomach is the same feeling you might experience before a big exam, a job interview or stage fright. The release of norepinephrine, dopamine and cortisol divert blood away from the gut and give you that off your stomach feeling that signifies, "I’m so excited I might vomit."

Lovestruck folks may also contend with sweaty palms, weak knees, dry mouth, increased heart rate and light headedness. The good news (if you don’t break up): Limerence turns into a calming deeper attachment, and these health side effects subside.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

11 Break Up Must Haves from Patti Stanger

Dating Detox: The best thing you can do is to take a dating break.  It can be anywhere from 30 to 90 days, depending on how long you were with the guy.  I did meditation, and my teacher did hypnosis to clear the energy from past relationships and any residue I was harboring.”

Endorphin High: “The endorphins kick in when you work out.  Once I started exercising, I started feeling skinnier---and skinnier means sexier.  It’s not about losing weight, it’s about feeling good.”

Mother Knows Best: After Stanger's recent breakup, her mother gave her one piece of advice that she swears by: "Whether you're 18 or 80, there's always another man around the corner."

A Big Don’t: The first thing you shouldn't do post-breakup is to call you ex-boyfriend and ask, 'Why did you break up with me?' Because obviously he didn't want you, and that's just going to make you feel bad. Even if he said, 'You don't listen,' or whatever the excuse, it's never going to make you feel good. Never ever. So don't ask."

The Good Book: "Getting to I Do is like the bible. I don't think that you can get a better book that talks about the alchemy of love between men and women. Why do men think the way they do, and why are women getting it wrong?"

Help Yourself: "If you want a self-help book, then get Abraham Hicks's book Ask and It Is Given. It's the only self-help book that you will ever need."

Comfort Food: "I live on the Miracle Noodle. They have lots of fiber, and there are no carbs in it. I add a little truffle oil, a little cottage cheese and a little salt, and I'm good to go. It's kind of my mac 'n' cheese, without being fattening. I'm also a chocaholic. You have to splurge."

Dress For Success: "Buy a LBD mini, with three-quarter-length sleeves, a V-neck. It'll go a long way. Any Donna Karan, any Diane von Furstenberg. The wrap dress is a staple for generations to come.

Jean Therapy: "Find a pair of great skinny jeans. I love Genetic Denim—they have the best stretch. You can throw them in the wash and they return back to where they started."

Read more: http://glo.msn.com/living/10-break-up-must-haves-from-patti-stanger-7304.gallery?gt1=49006

15 Things You Need to Do Before You Have Kids

Stop being so self-righteous. When you see a mom or dad struggling with a tantrum-throwing kid in the airport or at the drugstore, don't roll your eyes and think, My kid would never do that. Because he will. I guarantee it.
Go on a wine-tasting tour at a vineyard. There's nothing fun for a kid about sitting still and being quiet while you sip something they can't. And those little wine crackers only entertain them for so long.
Go skydiving/bungee jumping/swimming with sharks. or whatever other crazy, life-risking thing you've got on your bucket list. These activities are frowned upon when you've got little ones at home who kind of depend on your not being injured. Or dead. So file under "before baby".
Hit the hot bars and restaurants you haven't gotten around to yet. Sure, you'll get out to eat when you have kids. But when there's a sitter on the clock, you're more likely to pick a place you know will get you in and out, and not, say, that new pop-up restaurant 45 minutes away where they cook everything with a single match.
Appreciate the bathroom — alone. This one bears repeating. Seriously. Revel in the aloneness.
Take a road trip. Anywhere. Together or solo, it doesn't matter — just relish in the complete silence or blast whatever kid-unfriendly music you like. Stop only when you want to or you need to, and enjoy the freedom. The car will never be the same post-baby.
Be spontaneous. If someone says, "Let's do ____." Do ____. Because you can.
Spend an entire day in bed together watching movies. You will likely never do this once you have kids unless A) you have the flu, in which case, not so enjoyable, or B) your kid has the flu, in which case said movies will likely feature talking rodents. Again, not so enjoyable.
Have boozy lunches with friends. You'll probably try this once you have kids, and it will seem great … until you get home and realize you still have to parent and bedtime isn't for another five hours. D'oh!
Feed your minimalist side. Get a white chair/couch/rug/anything else you wouldn't want stained. Leave your wineglass or coffee cup on it and watch it not get knocked over. Enjoy it while you can, because once there's a little one tottering around, you can kiss it good-bye!
Have morning sex. And doors-open sex. And not-in-the-bedroom sex. And loud sex. Sure, you'll still have sex post-kids. But most of these particular sex flavors will go off the menu when the little ones arrive, so partake while you can.
Be the last ones to leave the party. No matter what you say now, as a couple with kids, you'll be calling it a night long before your baby-free friends. (Trust me, you won't have it in you, and even if you do, people will talk.) That means missing out on those crazy-fun hours when all the really fun nonsense happens, also known as the stuff you reminisce about once you have kids.
Fly first class. Everyone deserves to board the plane first (without a stroller, car seat and screaming kid), eat warm nuts and drink free beverages at least once in their life. And even if you can afford it, it's just wrong to fly first class with a tot (people don't spend all the extra cash to listen to crying babies the whole time). Promise you won't be those parents!
Wear silk, cashmere and dry-clean-only clothing…as much as you possibly can, while you still can. Kids can get their gunk on you without even making contact. It's one of their many superpowers.
Take a career risk. Go for the promotion, the career change or any other work-related risk that will feel too risky once there are dependents involved. You have the rest of your life to worry about income, stability and paying for diapers and college. Take advantage of this time to pursue your passions or figure out whatever the hell it is you want to do.

Read more: http://lifestyle.msn.com/relationships/staticslideshowtkt.aspx?cp-documentid=29596756&gt1=32092

Golddiggers Belong on New Dating Website

I once had a roommate who admitted she was involved with a sugar daddy. He paid for her school tuition, her rent, her breast implants ... and I don't really know what, if anything, she gave him in return. But the whole set-up felt really skeezy to me. Wasn't she a golddigger? And he must have been a creepy loser. Regardless, pretty young women hooking up with rich, lonely men is a relationship phenomenon that's probably existed since the dawn of time. And now, people seeking to fulfill either side of the equation -- "sugar baby" or "sugar daddy" -- can find one another on the "premiere" site offering companionship for money called SeekingArrangement.com.

On the site, men who are defined as "rich and successful... single or married" (ick) set up profiles that reveal the amount in their bank accounts and the monthly allowance he can provide a woman (usually at least $1,000 to more than $20,000).

Then, they pay $50 a month for membership, and $1,000 a year for the site to certify their wealth. For women, ideally "attractive, ambitious and young," membership is free.

If someone actually wants to be a sugar daddy, I would rather they'd at least be forthright about it! At least these people on SeekingArrangement are being honest about the kind of relationship they're out for. (Err, sans the ones who are married. Those who think they can hide a Hugh Hefner-ish existence from a wife, well, that's a whole different story.) And hey, at least this keeps these people off of conventional dating sites.

Would you sign up for a dating site like this?

Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/124891/golddiggers_belong_on_new_dating

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Women Who Are Loud in Bed Are Not Liars!

Really? People some people are so jealous that they will blog about anything.  There is absolutely no truth to this study! And, if there is a shred of truth, it is that the subjects tested were 22 year olds!  I think that sexuality continues to evolve throughout a lifetime, and thus, this study has no merit! ~ Aimee

If you've ever watched a porn movie and wondered why you never sound like that during sex, then you're in luck. A new study shows that many women don't vocalize during sex to express their own pleasure, but do so in order to enhance the man's.

In other words, loud ladies are liars. Say what? Yes, we've all been sold a bill of lies from movies and porn that insist women are so loud during orgasm. Most aren't, in fact. And those who are loud are being loud before orgasm or after. In other words, that whole scene in When Harry Met Sally? Obviously fake!
On the other hand, the study seems to assume that the only time a woman feels pleasure during sex is when she orgasms, which does beg a question: Have the researchers ever had sex?

 As a person who runs, I am pretty confident that there comes a certain point where physical exertion causes vocalization. I've been embarrassed many times on my early morning runs when I grunt or moan involuntarily in front of people. So wouldn't sex follow suit? We may be more relaxed during our own orgasm, but when he is banging away or we're working up to it, we might make more noises. Doesn't that stand to reason?

The researchers concluded that women who make noise during sex are liars and are doing so because of how they were trained via Hollywood and popular lore. But that just seems silly. Some people grunt and groan during physical exertion. Some don't. That doesn't mean either is faking anything, right? Let's also recall that the findings were based on an analysis of 71 women with an average age of 22.

There are a lot of women out there that didn't get polled! So hey, if you're a noisy lady or even if you aren't, just be yourself. Whatever is real and comes naturally is always the right thing.

Are you loud in bed?

Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/124521/women_who_are_loud_in

Hotel Offers Free Room in Exchange for Your Sex Tape

Porn mogul Berth Milton Jr.'s proposed line of  sex hotels! The man thinks he's as brilliant and revolutionary as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates because his sex hotel chain will change hotel sex forever.

It's an innovative idea, especially in an age where porn is losing money, and and anyone can be a porn "star." And there's definitely a market here, from exhibitionists to couples who like to travel but may have been hit by bad financial times. It'll be easy to get a free room in one of these hotels, as long as you're willing to have sex in it. The catch? The sexy times you have in it will be broadcast over the Internet for the whole world to watch.

The idea is genius, and it's also a little bit crazy. Still, this could be extremely lucrative. Berth believes offering free hotel rooms will pay off for him in the long run, and I have to agree, he's on to something here. He estimates that the website (where hotel guests' sex will be posted) will produce upwards of $43.8 million a year in subscription fees.

Real couples, real vacation sex (which is, for a lot of us, the best sex we have, since it's away from the ho-hum of everyday affairs) is a perfect combination for steaminess. Like chat roulette and other Internet oddities, it'd be difficult not to want to check it out. The hotel will cater to both exhibitionists and ordinary couples looking for an out of the ordinary experience. It's the perfect opportunity to travel for less and be seen by more.

And it's one sure way to spice up your sex life.Think about it, especially if you've always wanted to make a home sex movie, but didn't have the proper equipment. Now, the cameras are already in place, and all you have to do is show off your good time. You can use fake names and wigs if you want, and if anyone you know recognizes you, who cares? The fact is, they're watching you, so they're the ones who aren't going to bring it up at your next dinner party or play date. And if they do, so what? Odds are they're interested in doing it too, or curious as to why you did it, so let the conversation begin!

Would you stay for free at a hotel if all you had to do was broadcast your sex life?

Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/124410/hotel_offers_free_room_in

Prettier People May Not Be So Nice

'Is this the reason I have the need to never ask for help?!'  Lmao! ~ Aimee

According to a study to be presented at the Nobel Laureate Meetings in Germany later this month, the more gorgeous you are, the more likely you are to say, hog all the candy for yourself.

Researchers found that people with more symmetrical faces (think Kate Moss, whose pretty mug epitomizes what is referred to as "the golden ratio" in terms of extraordinarily even features) were not only less likely to cooperate with others, they assumed others were unlikely to cooperate with them as well.

Their findings emerged from a laboratory experiment in which the played the “prisoner’s dilemma” with groups of two subjects, who were each asked to choose between being a "dove" and cooperating for the greater good, or a "hawk" with the chance to gain more if the other player chose "dove." A facial analysis revealed that the so-called finer featured of the crew were more likely to go with the more self-centered hawk option.

But before you discredit the morals of the painfully gorgeous, blame evolution. After all, similar studies have suggested that the symmetrically-inclined tend to suffer fewer health problems and as a result, may have less need for seeking the help of others, which helps to explain those inherently selfish tendencies.

And brace yourselves folks, but being sick less often is just one benefit of physical beauty: Another recent study out of the University of Texas-Austin found that attractive people are generally happier and make more money than their mediocre-looking counterparts.

At the end of the day, our suspicions have been confirmed: Supermodels, they’re just not like us. That said, this certainly helps to explain some of those wild supermodel antics. Kate, Naomi, we’re looking at you.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/prettier-people-may-not-be-so-nice-2527885/

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

9 Ways to flatten your belly in one week

Another reason to hate Mondays? Tight post-weekend waistbands. Unless you spent the past 2 days living like a monk, the cocktails, movie snacks, and dinners out can all add up to one thing: belly bloat.

“If you wake up bloated on Monday morning, your weekend food choices are likely to blame,” explains Keri Gans, RD, author of The Small Change Diet. “In fact, overindulging for two days straight can easily cause a gain of three pounds. Fortunately, this weight gain is usually temporary and easy to get rid of in less than a week.”

Season Food DifferentlyYou may be attracted to your saltshaker, but water is too. When you take in higher-than-usual amounts of the salty stuff, you’ll temporarily retain more fluid, contributing to that sluggish feeling, a puffy appearance, and extra water weight. Avoid salt, overprocessed foods, and salt-based seasonings. Gans suggests you also ditch the frozen microwaveable meals while you’re de-bloating—they’re packed with sodium. Instead, she recommends a simple turkey sandwich or a salad with chicken for lunch this week. And eat plenty of fruits and vegetables that are packed with water. Add zest to your dinner recipes with fresh herbs and salt-free seasoning blends such as the Original and Italian Medley Mrs. Dash.

Trim Down CarbsStay away from heavy carbs such as bagels and pasta. When you decrease the carbs in your diet, you temporarily train your body to access stored carbohydrates called glycogen and burn them off, while also eliminating excess stored fluids. Trim back on your daily carbs by having eggs for breakfast, making your sandwich open-faced with only one slice of bread, and packing protein-rich snacks such as turkey slices, low-fat string cheese, seeds, and nuts.

Switch Your StarchIf your belly bulges after a high-carb meal like pasta, complex carbohydrate-rich foods may be the cause of your bloat, says Jackie Wolf, MD, author of A Woman’s Guide to a Healthy Stomach. Most starches, including potatoes, corn, pasta, and wheat, produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine. Rice is the only starch that doesn’t cause gas, so have a ½-cup serving of brown rice (which has more fiber) if you want carbs with dinners.

Stop Milking ItIf you’ve ever felt gassy, crampy, or bloated after dairy, you may be one of 30 to 50 million Americans with lactose intolerance. This occurs in people whose bodies lacks the ability to break down and digest the sugar in milk, resulting in digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramping, and diarrhea. Try lower-lactose foods (such as hard cheese or yogurt) or lactose-free dairy products (such as rice milk and almond milk), or take a lactase enzyme to help break down lactose. Dr. Wolf recommends soy milk as a dairy alternative but warns that some people experience gas and bloating from soybeans as well.

Make These Fruit SwapsWolf recommends you eat fruits that are kinder on your belly. Berries, grapes, and citrus contain a near-equal ratio of the sugars fructose and glucose, making them easier to digest than fruits with more fructose, such as honeydew, apples, and pears. You can also eat canned fruits in natural juice or small portions of dried fruit, such as raisins and dried plums.

Hold The Hot Sauce
IF you love four-alarm food, lay off the Tabasco, barbecue sauce, and garlic for a few days while de-bloating. Spicy foods stimulate the release of stomach acid, causing irritation. Give dishes a flavor boost with in-season fresh or dried herbs such as dill, basil, mint, sage, tarragon, and rosemary. You can also use curry powder or lemon or lime juice—all perfect with fish or chicken. Also, steer clear of black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, onions, mustard, horseradish, and acidic foods such as catsup, tomato sauce, and vinegar.

Ditch Diet FoodsAvoid low-calorie or low-carb products containing sugar alcohols, which go by the names xylitol or maltitol and cause gas, bloating, and worst—diarrhea. And don’t reach for a stick of gum when you’re trying to quell that sugar craving. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth by using a little maple syrup on your morning oatmeal or yogurt snack.

Get On The Wagon

Steer clear of alcohol for the next few days to maximize your body’s belly-flattening capabilities. Alcohol causes dehydration and may slow your body’s ability to eliminate that excess weekend waste, so if you had a little too much to drink this weekend, start chugging the H20. It’s best to eliminate that occasional glass of wine, beer, or hard alcohol this week while you’re on a skinny jeans crusade—all are high-acid beverages that can irritate your GI tract and cause swelling.

Do Some Activity Every Day
A study from Spain's Autonomous University of Barcelona suggests that mild physical activity clears gas and alleviates bloating. That's because increasing your heart rate and breathing stimulates the natural contractions of the intestinal muscles, helping to prevent constipation and gas buildup by expediting digestion. Take a short walk after meals or pedal lightly on a bike at the gym to help relieve bloat.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/9-ways-to-flatten-your-belly-in-one-week-2519050/

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Lame Study Says Men Can Blame Wives & Friends for E.D.

Must women be blamed for everything? A new study published in the American Journal of Sociology has found that men who suffer from erectile dysfunction may now attribute the problem to their wives being friends with their friends. Yup -- this is real. Sociology professors are calling it "partner betweenness." They say it happens when a female partner comes between a man and his friends, as in she's close to the same males as he is. Carry the one ... that means your husband's penis gets intimidated when you laugh at one of his friend's jokes, and you're suffering the consequences in the bedroom. Yippee.

Here's how the researchers explain it:
Men who experience partner betweenness in their joint relationships are more likely to have trouble getting or maintaining an erection and are also more likely to experience difficulty achieving orgasm during sex.
Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/love_sex/124304/lame_study_says_men_can

My Body Gallery: finally see other women who are your size

Have you ever tried to size up other women and determine if they wear the same size as you? Or if their bodies look the same as you? Many of us do this subconsciously and it doesn't have to be a negative thing. This morning we discovered a new site called My Body Gallery that promotes a positive body image and we're kind of obsessed. Basically you plug in your height, weight, shirt and pant size, and body type to browse ladies with similar stats. You can also upload your image into their database anonymously.

"In a world full of images of how we 'should' look it can get difficult to tell how we DO look," the site says. "Most women have spent so many years looking at themselves in mirrors that we can no longer see what's really there. The My Body Gallery project's goal is to help women objectively see what we look like and come to some acceptance that we are all beautiful."

Some other interesting stat the site presents:
  • 95% of non-eating disordered women overestimate the size of their hips by 16% and their waists by 25%, yet the same women were able to correctly estimate the width of a box.
  • Two out of five women and one out of five men would trade three to five years of their life to achieve their weight goals.  
Wow. We tried plugging in our measurements and saw a handful of women in our range. It was interesting to see how different ladies carried their weight, where the were more toned, and how they looked both in clothing and stripped down in underwear. It was equally fascinating to see some women with similar fleshy areas or hip-to-waist ratios that aren't so prevalent in the fashion world. We also tried subtracting and gaining 10 pounds to get an idea of what we might look like at different weights.

Our verdict? It should be obvious, but bodies come in literally every shapes and size imaginable and they're all beautiful! As My Body Gallery points out, "the world is not a place of cookie cutters." This site further proves that you should never feel alone or insecure about yours.

Try out My Body Gallery for yourself or upload a photo to their database here.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/my-body-gallery-finally-see-other-women-who-are-your-size-2523750/

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Hierarchy Of Date Nights: What Each Night Of The Week Means

Is your date scheduled for a Tuesday or a Thursday? It makes a difference, you know! Read below to see what the night of the week says about your date.

The Monday Night Date:

Monday night is the antithesis of "date night": people are usually back at work, and back to their weeknight routines, maybe getting caught up on the errands like grocery shopping, laundry, and going to the gym. Really, there is nothing sexy about a Monday night...and this is actually good news. If someone schedules a date with you on a Monday night it means they are really eager to spend time with you. Screw the norms, they don't even want to wait for a more socially acceptable nights of the week. Even Wednesday is an eternity away when you're in like.

The Tuesday Night Date:
A Tuesday Night date can mean ambivalence: sure, they'll grab coffee/a drink with you. And maybe, if things go well, it will turn into a late night. But it's also the night of "I'll just pop by for one drink and if it sucks I'll be home in time for Parks and Recreation." No one goes into a Tuesday night date expecting a super long evening.

The Wednesday Night Date:

Statistically speaking, it's the best night of the week for a date. Maybe it's because by Wednesday night, people have recovered from the weekend and are looking for a nice break in the work week. Because it's a weeknight, Wednesday nights are unburdened by "Will we spend the night together?" pressure, which can free people up to act a little more brazenly, and lets longer nights feel more spontaneous.

The Thursday Night Date:
Thursday nights are pretty good: it's almost the weekend, and people usually feel more free to stay out late on a Thursday night (and be hungover at work on a Friday) than they do earlier in the week. Still, Thursday isn't a complete free-for-all. A Thursday night date means you want to have a good time, but you're not yet ready to give up precious weekend time. A weekend date you have to work toward.

The Friday Night Date:

Friday night is the second best date night of the week. People feel festive and ready to go out. The lack of work the next day obviously means a greater chance of staying out late and throwing all caution to the wind. Friday night loses some of its edge by virtue of dates coming right after work: people might have time to stop at home, but not for long. This means that people are slightly less rested, and slightly less primped, than they would be for a Saturday night date.

The Saturday Night Date:
This is prime real estate: the one day a week where you don't have to work all day, and don't have to be anywhere the next morning. You only get one a week, so people are often loath to waste it on anything but a "sure bet": a night out with friends, for instance. If someone makes plans with you for a Saturday night, they're pretty sure that they'll have as good a time hanging out with you as with than anyone else: a high compliment, indeed. Girls especially will take advantage of the extra time on Saturday to really get ready for the date, and dress up far more than they would on a weeknight.

The Sunday Night Date:

Worst night of the week. A Sunday night date just calls attention to the fact that you both had other plans with other people (whether with friends or dates) on Friday and Saturday. You're both probably pretty drained from the weekend, and possibly pretty stressed about the work week ahead. Chances are you won't stay out late, won't drink too much cause you're hungover from the weekend and won't spend too much cause you're broke. Sundays are no fun for dates: better to stay in and recuperate, rather than try to squeeze too much out of the weekend.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/the-hierarchy-of-date-nights-what-each-night-of-the-week-means-2523309/

Friday, August 5, 2011

What Your "Drink" Says About You On a Date

What you order on a date can definitely send a signal, whether or not it's one you're conscious of. Sure, the list below is mainly full of generalizations, but there's some truth to every stereotype...

Martini: If you're a guy, you're trying to impress (and it's probably working). If you're a girl drinking a dirty martini, you're a hot mess: the dirtier, the messier, the hotter.

Vodka on the Rocks: Too self-conscious to actually order a martini.

White Russian: Obsessed with The Big Lebowski, and probably The Daily Show. Or, you just like to drink dessert.

Bud Light: You're easy going, laid back, and at home at a sports bar. If you're a girl, you know how to hang with the guys.

Stella Artois: You have no particular knowledge or affinity towards beer so you just order "Stella" cause it's familiar.

Lillet/Campari/Aperol: You're twee, and possibly like to throw around words like "mixology."

Vodka Cranberry: When in doubt, you stick to what you drank in college.

White Wine: You're definitely a woman. You're possibly a little uptight.

Prosecco: You're often a little uptight, but tonight you're looking to party.

Whiskey, neat: You're hot. Regardless of gender.

Jager: Secretly wishing you were hanging out with your buddies.

Vodka Gimlet: You're a huge dork, but you hope sort of in a cool way?

Appletini: You've left the kids with a sitter and you're ready to have fun!

Pimm's Cup: You're an Anglophile.

Old-Fashioned: Mad Men is your favorite show: you either want to be, or have sex with, Don Draper.

Margarita, on the rocks: You've decided to have a good time tonight.

Margarita, frozen: You're in Cabo.

PBR: You're drinking quickly on your way to a non-profit fundraiser, followed by a poetry reading in a former industrial warehouse.

Tequila Shots: You're either getting laid, or just getting through it.

Long Island Iced Tea: You have a drinking problem.

A beer, while at a Cocktail Bar: Overprotective of your manhood or unadventurous.

A cocktail, while at a dive bar: Insufferable.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/what-your-quot-drink-quot-says-about-you-on-a-date-2519924/

'Entourage's Turtle Shares Weight Loss Tips That Work for Women, Too

Jerry Ferrara, better known at Turtle, on the hit series Entourage. The 31-year-old actor dropped 55 pounds, and he looks really good.

Jerry lost pounds simply by incorporating diet and exercise into his daily routine. He told Life & Style that the weight loss was slow, "about 2 or 3 pounds a month." If you ask me, that's the kind of weight loss that sticks. No crazy fad diets. Just eating right and working toward a goal. Sounds easy enough, right?

And it is. Like Jerry, I managed to lose 60 pounds by "monitoring my portion sizes and upping my workout routine. I learned very quickly that if I was going to diet, and maintain lasting results, it was going to have to become a lifestyle for me. When a diet becomes a lifestyle, the question isn't "Am I allowed to eat that?" but rather "How can I make this fit my standards?"

For example: Can someone on a diet eat a cheeseburger and still lose weight? Of course they can! In fact, nothing is off-limits. Dieters just need to be smart about it. With a burger, for example, you might consider the size of the patty, and then try swapping out a kaiser roll for two slices of high fiber wheat bread. It's all about how we can translate what we crave on a day-to-day basis into feasible meals and munchies.

It's all about balance. If you want to lose weight, then it's critical to find a balance in the way you eat and work out to achieve long lasting results. Kudos to you, Turtle! You look like a total stud.

Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/healthy_living/123932/entourages_turtle_shares_weight_loss

Upside-Down Yoga Isn't as Weird as It Looks

Hot yoga is so passe. Even floating yoga, or yoga on the water is, like, so last week! The latest craze is upside-down yoga, or AntiGravity Yoga. Sounds so Jetsons, right? Like you need to get in a space shuttle to do it, or go to one of those indoor skydiving spots. Child pose in midair?!

I know -- it's REALLY bizarre ... but I totally want to try it!!

You know those workouts that come along every couple of years that make it seem like you'll change your whole body and life with the help of some stupid accessory or fancy footwear ... but you're really just doing the same old cardio or weight-training or yoga? Yeah, I hate that kind of thing. But I don't see this being the same. Because Harrison explains that hanging upside-down balances out the body, enhances abdominal workouts, and opens up (decompresses) the spine. He even said his own mother, who suffered from back problems, has found success from doing the Cirque du Soleil-ish workout.

Read more: http://thestir.cafemom.com/healthy_living/124067/upsidedown_yoga_isnt_as_weird

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The 'Chewing Diet' could be the next South Beach

Here's yet another reason to slow down at mealtimes: Chewing more could make you eat less.

A new study showed that participants who chewed about 2.5 times more than the typical 15 times caused them to eat almost 12 percent less calories. Do you know what this means? If further research produces similar results, it's only a matter of time before the "Chewing Diet" catches on among people looking to drop some poundage.

First, some explanation of the science behind the study: By comparing a group that chewed their food 40 times to a group that chewed it only 15 times, researchers found that more chewing showed lower blood levels of the appetite-stimulating hormone called ghrelin and higher levels of the appetite-suppressing hormone called CCK.

In other words, the group that chewed 40 times ate less calories because their brain told them to stop eating. The obvious takeaway from this study? More chewing could lead to significant weight loss.

Can you even imagine how potentially attractive a "Chewing Diet" could be to dieters? People could eat whatever they want -- cheeseburgers, French fries, cheesecake! -- as long as they chewed it a significant number of times. Along with nutritional information and calorie counts, menu offerings and groceries would come with a chewing label instructing people about how many times they need to chew it to lose weight.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/the-chewing-diet-could-be-the-next-south-beach-2519828/

How Your Baby Learns to Love You

The answer that springs to mind may be the first day of preschool or kindergarten: the first time kids are in a classroom with a teacher. Or perhaps you’ve called to mind the toddler phase, when children are learning to walk, and talk, and eat with a fork. Maybe you’ve encountered the “Zero to Three” movement, which asserts that the most important years for learning are the earliest ones, so your answer to the question would be: Learning begins at birth.

The correct answer may surprise you. You may even find it implausible — though it’s supported by the latest research from biology and psychology. And that is that some of the most important learning we ever do happens before we’re born, in the womb. When we hold our babies for the first time, we might imagine that they are clean slates, unmarked by life — when in fact they have already been shaped by us, and by the particular environments we live in.

First of all, they learn the sound of their mothers’ voices. Because sounds from the outside world have to travel through the mother’s abdominal tissue and through the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus, the voices fetuses hear, starting around the fourth month, are muted and muffled. One researcher says that they probably sound a lot like the voice of Charlie Brown’s teacher in the Peanuts cartoons. But the pregnant woman’s own voice reverberates through her body, reaching the fetus much more readily, and because the fetus is always with her, it hears her voice a lot. Once it’s born, it recognizes the sound of her voice, and it prefers listening to her voice over anyone else’s.

How can we know this? Newborn babies can’t do much, but one thing they’re really good at is sucking. Researchers in these experiments rigged up a pair of rubber nipples so that if the baby sucks on one, it hears a recording of its mother’s voice through a pair of headphones. If it sucks on the other nipple, it hears the voice of a female stranger. Babies quickly make their preference known by choosing the first one.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/how-your-baby-learns-to-love-you-and-more-in-the-womb-2518469/

Plus-size models wearing fat suits?

Plus-size models are certainly having a moment. After Italian Vogue featured three beautiful plus-size models on their June cover, the industry has been coming around to the idea that the public is ready for and asking that gorgeous, full-figured models have a significant place in fashion, beauty, and style. Great, right? Well, yes and no. The proliferation of plus-sized models may be a step in the right direction, but the fashion industry is just as fickle with the heavier models as it is with the skinnier ones.

Marquita Pring, who appeared on that June cover, admitted that she's worn thick foam padding under outfits to make her look heavier, rounder, and smoother. We can't win.Models are either too fat, too skinny, or now ... not fat enough? Pring, 20, says that the "fat suits" are good because she's able to work out and stay healthy, but retain her plus-size modeling gigs.

I thought we were getting to see some "real women" (I hate to use that phrase, but you know what I mean) in advertising, but we're not getting that at all. We're getting models wearing padded undergarments that add inches to their waist and thighs in one fell swoop. As with airbrushed regular models, we won't be seeing a real picture of plus-sized models because guess what: Advertisers don't want to show real fat, because, duh that's gross, so they'll use fake fat instead. Problem solved!

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/plus-size-models-wearing-fat-suits-are-new-fashion-low-2519062/

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Drink wine, don't get sunburned?

Important health tip for the summer: Drink more wine! A better protection against harmful sunburns might be a healthy dose of SPF sauvignon blanc, suggests a new Spanish study.

A compound found in grapes or grape derivatives may protect skin cells from skin-damaging ultraviolet radiation, report researchers from the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council. The flavonoids found in grapes work to halt the chemical reaction that kills skin cells and causes sun damage.

Here's what happens: When UV rays hit your skin, they activate "reactive oxygen species," or ROS, which then oxidize big molecules like lipids and DNA. This activates particular enzymes that kill skin cells.

But grapes' flavonoids work to decrease the formation of the ROS's in skin cells that were exposed to UVA and UVB rays. The researchers, led by Marta Cascante, a biochemist at the University of Barcelona and director of the research project, note that this finding may lead to better sun-shielding drugs and cosmetics.

Read more: http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/08/01/7218394-drink-wine-dont-get-sunburned?gt1=43001

Monday, August 1, 2011

Top Sex Comedy Quotes

The place men are most likely to cheat will surprise you

Do these women want your man?If you think your man is more likely to cheat at a bachelor party than anywhere else, think again. It's actually the wedding where your man is most likely to stray, especially if you aren't there. And after my wedding 8.5 years ago, I believe it.

The news comes after IllicitEncounters.com surveyed 2,000 cheating men and found that one third of them had cheated at a wedding where they had gone solo. So if you have ever sent your man to a friend's wedding alone, just hope he didn't do more than you know!
Here are the places men are most likely to cheat:
  • Wedding: 32 percent
  • Bachelor party: 27 percent
  • Office Christmas party: 21 percent
  • School reunion: 9 percent
Meanwhile, women thought their partner was most likely to cheat at these places:
  • Office Christmas party: 37 percent
  • Bachelor party: 35 percent
  • School reunion: 17 percent
  • Wedding: 11 percent
So, ladies, your men have picked the perfect place to cheat! It's the place you would never suspect. Grrr ... it makes sense, right? Weddings are the perfect pick-up place. People are in from out of town, they get close fast, drink together all night, and celebrate love.

Read more: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/the-place-men-are-most-likely-to-cheat-will-surprise-you-2517320/